Skype for business retirement
Skype for business retirement

Microsoft’s Skype for Business, part of the UW Office 365 platform, will be retired at the University of Washington beginning on June 15, 2021, due to Microsoft’s decision to deem it “end of life”.

  • Microsoft Teams is replacing Skype for Business.
  • What will happen to existing Skype for Business meetings and communications sent to Skype for Business?.
  • Content on this page may no longer be accurate. The Skype for Business Retirement project concluded successfully in July 2021.
  • Productivity Platforms Recharge Services.
  • Migrate from UW Office 365 to Personal Account.
  • Migrate from UW Office 365 to UW Google.
  • Migrate from UW Google to Personal Google.
  • Migrate from UW Google to Personal, Non-Google Account.
  • Migrate from UW Google to UW Office 365.
  • skype for business retirement

    Exporting Data from Google to Microsoft using Data from Google to Microsoft using ShareGate.Migrate UW Google or UW Microsoft Content.Error: Your account doesn’t allow editing on a Mac.Alternatives to UW Google for Shared UW NetIDs.Microsoft Campus License Agreement Details.Managed Workstation Service and Windows 11.Adding a Workstation to the NetID Domain.Setting Up a Managed Workstation Computer.MyIT: Manage your Managed Workstation resources.Adding Administrators to a Managed Workstation.Using Autopilot with Managed Workstation.Provision your Shared UW NetID for Exchange.Common Problems and Solutions for Sharing E-mails.Adding Administrators to Your Managed Workstation.Use Microsoft Forms to create and send a survey.Use Google Forms to create and send a survey.

    skype for business retirement

  • Retirement of Catalyst WebQ and GradeBook.

  • Skype for business retirement